ICRA 2022 Workshop
Important Dates (deadline postponed to 9 May)
- Submission deadline: 29 April 2022 9 May 2022
- Notification acceptance: 3 May 2022 11 May 2022
Workshop description
Flapping flight is one of the wonders of nature that has fascinated biologists, fluid dynamicists, and roboticists for the past decades. Many robotic artifacts that mimic biological systems have been designed at different scales. Despite the efforts and progress, both the functioning and design of flapping aerial robots are not fully understood yet, which makes this multi-disciplinary field of research full of potential discoveries. This workshop on “Challenges of Flapping-wing aerial robots” addresses the state of the art of this field among different scales and from different perspectives. We propose to bring together expert researchers of different fields ranging from aerodynamics of flapping-flight to robotic insects and bio-hybrid robotic birds as well as industrial experts exploiting flapping robots commercially. We aim from this workshop to discuss the applications and future challenges facing the development of flapping-wing aerial robots in the next decade.
Given the eclectic nature of the event, we will solicit the participation within a wide range of researchers, from the bio-inspired robot designers to the aerodynamic experts. Industrial representers will complete the pool of top level speakers to which the participants (about 100 expected) can compare results and discuss ideas actively during the coffee breaks, the poster session, and finally the discussion panel.
The goal of the workshop is to gather people working and interested in understanding the secrets of flapping flight with the aim of designing flying robots. We believe this is one of the most promising and somehow scenographic topics in the biomimetic robotic community, capable of attracting and making participants interact naturally. The poster session and the discussion panel are designed to encourage integration among researchers and discuss future challenges in an interactive way.
For more details on ICRA2022, please check out https://www.icra2022.org/
Don’t forget to check out our workshop’s recording on youtube:
Details on Call for Contribution
In this workshop we aim on bringing together researchers that are working in different fields of this multi-disciplinary research area, in order to explore what is needed to progress that state-of-the-art to reach the flapping flight behaviour seen in biological systems.
We welcome contributions of different nature, such as:
- novel on-going research;
- recently published research;
- contribution related to relevant projects with industrial partners.
We accept contributions in the form of a (possibly extended) abstract of max 1 page, references included, using IEEE template.
The contribution must be submitted at the address “f.califano@utwente.nl” using the string “[CFAR2022] Title – Name of first author” in the object, and a sentence in the e-mail specifying the nature of the submission (e.g., novel research, published research, etc.). In case the research is already published please refer explicitly to the publication. Furthermore specify if you will be physically present at the workshop or if you plan to follow it virtually.
All selected contributions will be presented during a dedicated interactive session at the workshop. Presentation will be either a poster or an oral presentation. The precise modality of presentation will be communicated along the notification of acceptance.
Topics of interest
A non-exhaustive list of relevant topics:
- Aerial Manipulation using Flapping-wing robots
- Advanced manufacturing of aerial robots
- Bio-mimetic and bio-inspired design
- Morphing-wing aerial robots
- Small-scale flying robots
- Flapping-wing aerodynamics
- Modelling, Simulation and Control of flapping-wing UAVs
Invited Speakers
- Anibal Ollero, University of Seville, Spain
- Satyandra K. Gupta, University of Southern California, USA
- Seth Hutchinson, Georgia Tech, USA
- David Lentink, University of Groningen, the Netherlands
- Dario Floreano, EPFL, Switzerland
- Guido de Croon, TUDelft, the Netherlands
- Ramy Rashad, University of Twente, the Netherlands
- Federico Califano, University of Twente, the Netherlands
- Alexander Dijkshoorn, University of Twente, the Netherlands
- Luuk Groot Koerkamp, University of Twente, the Netherlands
- Riccardo Sneep , University of Twente, the Netherlands
- Andrea Brugnoli, University of Twente, the Netherlands
- Stefano Stramigioli, University of Twente, the Netherlands
Don’t forget to check out our workshop’s video on youtube: